Courage School students are the primary managers of their learning, which increases motivation and individual success. However, all students are actively involved with a mentor who is dedicated to helping them meet spiritual, academic, and personal goals.
We have translated the teacher’s role to be mentor, coach, facilitator, and advisor rather than dictator or entertainer. Our mentors are dedicated to developing a personal relationship with each student and are vigilant in ensuring each student meets their personal goals. Mentors will come alongside parents in discipling and educating their students. Our mentors’ core job is to spiritually pour into each student and guide them to be self-motivated individuals who learn and progress on their own. Courage Schools’ mentors delight in making themselves progressively unnecessary as each student is increasingly encouraged and equipped to teach themselves.
We have translated the teacher’s role to be mentor, coach, facilitator, and advisor rather than dictator or entertainer.
Students are given all the resources, opportunities, and assistance they need to excel and achieve their goals, but none of the work or learning is done for them. Instead, instructive feedback is used to guide students on how to progress toward mastery of any concept or skill. In this manner, Courage Schools’ students are segueing into the real world of accomplishment and progression based on ownership of their work, skills, and abilities.
The mentor-student relationship is an immensely valuable resource of Courage Schools. Not only do mentors walk alongside students from their first day to the completion of their tailored learning plan, but it is our hope that mentors will serve as Christian role models and counselors in each student’s life far beyond graduation.