Every student is designed by God with a unique purpose and gifting. This beautiful and intentional diversity is best fostered through tailored learning plans for every student. Plans that make them excited to dig in and discover something new.
In His infinite and incomprehensible wisdom, God has chosen to bring glory to His name by creating every human being differently. This means that not even two students will have identical backgrounds, needs, abilities, passions, goals, learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses.
At Courage Schools, we long to see every student discover and fulfill their God-given purpose for their life. Therefore, after identifying, evaluating, and considering the distinct design of each student, we will create a tailored learning plan (TLP) that uniquely tailors the student’s curriculum, teaching method, pace, learning environment, assignments, and assessments to help them thrive in learning and reaching their goals. Tailored learning does not mean chaos, confusion, unbridled freedom, or absence of teaching and instruction – in fact, just the opposite. Tailored learning means customized direction, focus, and purpose in each student’s learning pathway.
Courage Schools acknowledge that every student is uniquely designed by God.
Students will be involved in this process as the primary managers of their education. They will take ownership of their education by having the greatest influence in setting goals, determining the means of reaching those goals, and demonstrating progress toward achieving their goals – all with the assistance of capable mentors, the coaching of their parents, and the support of the local church throughout their academic and life pursuits.
Ultimately, this incredible journey will be clearly reflected in their tailored transcript. Each student will exemplify their unique role in God’s grand plan through their individually designed transcript that will not only reflect their academic work but display their skills, creative work, and personal achievements that compile their customized education.